Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I Need An Action Plan!

I've bumped into this image twice today, here and here, both by teachers recapping their experiences at TMC14. I don't know, but it made something click in my head.
I have always considered myself a great starter - but sadly not a good finisher. Look at the half knit scarves, half filled scrapbooks, half read books, unused gym memberships,... I love new ideas and beginning new things, but along the way I tend to stop. I wouldn't say give up, but I get distracted by the next cool thing I want to start.

I feel like this completely sums up my growth (or lack thereof) in my teaching. I spend so much time learning, reading blogs, articles, attending conferences, etc and I get caught up in so many amazing ideas. I start making plans for amazingthing1, and then get distracted by amazingthing2, and on and on until I hit amazingthing100 and look back to see the trail of half finished, not quite completed plans I have. And thus I get discouraged, because if nothing ever gets finished, then nothing ever really changes!

I laughed with the other BTSA SP's this year about how we kept getting emails to turn in our "Action Plans" because it is something I just don't do. When I saw this graphic, and saw line #2 I had to take a deep breath. There I am. Sitting on line #2, all full of vision and skills and incentives and resources and FALSE STARTS. I need to build an Action Plan!

But I can't make a plan for the 100 things I want to change. Not gonna happen. Narrow it down "they" say. So I sat and thought for a while this morning, as the temperature in my back yard crept towards 100 degrees. What two or three things do I really want to change this year. Here are my ideas so far:

1. Student graphing skills are awful, and every time I say graph they act like I've said "I'm going to do dental work on you!" With 1 to 1 iPads this year, I want to do something with Daily Desmos and/or Graphing Stories once a week. 

2. Exit tickets or other formative assessment that I actually LOOK at. Start now to build quizzes with Socrative that I can have students do consistently and that really tell me what they're thinking.

3. Find one meaningful modeling problem for each unit I do. A Three Act or something of the sort, to introduce the lesson and build into the students the need for what we're learning. The SSTI conference I just went to was amazing, and I don't want to lose the inspiration and challenge I got from it. (Or the jealousy I won from my co-teachers for this little selfie...)

Okay, they're down in writing. Now what exactly does an Action Plan look like???

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Simplify the Exit Ticket?

Exit Tickets are an idea i have always *wanted* to do. I talk about them, I use them as examples of formative assessment for the newer teachers I mentor, in theory I think they're great! I think I've actually done it once. Maybe twice. Because the sticking point is always taking/finding the time to go through them all and analyze the data I get. There is always the voice in my head that says "You know you won't really LOOK at them, so why bother?"

It occurred to me this morning (I'm kind of slow sometimes) that since we are going 1 to 1 with the iPads this year, I could streamline the data collection piece by having students complete their exit tickets on the iPad using something like Socrative, which will do a lot of the data collection and summary for me.

So now my thinking cap is on and running. If I'm going to do this, I need to start planning so I'm ahead of the curve. Might be best to try it out with Algebra 2, since this is my fourth year through, and I have a good handle on which concepts the kids tend to smack up against.

I really want to do exit tickets, and stop just talking them up!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Homework. Ugh.

I don't even want to think how few days are left before school starts. I could count them, but I won't!

One of the big things I want to change this year is homework. Since the school requires that at most 10% of a student's grade come from formative work, homework has been a losing battle I have waged over the past three years. More than once I have had students flat out tell me that they're just going to do enough of the homework to "keep their A." Certainly, some kids don't need to do the homework. They can work along in class and study and show proficiency easily. I'm not really talking about those students. Although part of me dies a little when we have the above conversation and smile and nod at each other. And there are those lovely students who understand that homework is how they learn best. It is the other 70% who realize that it doesn't truly impact their grade enough to bother that I agonize over. They don't see the value. And honestly I am tired of the daily homework check that has exactly the same scores every day. So I'm rethinking the whole thing.

I don't want homework to be a punishment of too many repetitions of the same skill. I want it to be a few well chosen problems that reinforce what we've learned, and that students will work independent of me. I want them to work these problems on their own, and then check their solutions to verify for themselves that they understand or don't. But I get it that not all kids really need that.

My daughter took Pre-Calculus last year. Told me she never did the homework. Got an A. (Proud me!) But then I had those kids in Calculus who finally realized in January or February that they should have been doing the work all along. One lovely girl said proudly to me one day: "I've done my homework two days in a row, Mrs. L. I haven't done math homework since 8th grade!" Wow. I don't count anything formative into the AP Calculus grade - it is all summative. They know it, so they don't do it. They find out too late that I really meant it when I told them that they needed to be working outside class if they wanted to really get it.

So my plan for this year is different. I want to assign just a few problems. 6 to 8 maybe. Maybe less. All with answers they can check, so (hopefully) they come in to the next class with questions. That isn't any different than what I've done this year. But I will not check to make sure it is complete, which I did at the start of class each day. Instead, once a week, I will give them a homework quiz. Three or four problems, maybe one from each lesson, that are exactly the same as problems they did on the homework. If they pass (2/3 or 3/4) great! I'll record the score and for Algebra 2, this will make up part of their 10% formative grade. AP Calc and AP Stats will show the grade, but it won't be calculated. If they don't pass, they will be give a homework contract, in which they will be required to show me all the complete homework assignments for the unit before they take the unit summative assessment. If they show up with no work on test day, I will send them into the lab to complete the work.

My thinking is this: we use formative assessment to gauge student learning, and determine when they are ready for summative assessment. If a student has shown insufficient formative understanding, then it is not in their best interests for me to have them take a summative assessment when they are unprepared.

The students who "get it" and don't usually do their work will at least be expected to show some progress. More than likely, they won't need the homework contract. I had at least one student last year in Algebra 2 who would have earned an A if he'd just done his homework consistently. The students who think they're getting it (aka my Calculus students) will gently be reminded that this is a new creature and they might actually have to do a little work outside class. My kids who hate homework for the sake of homework will come to realize (hopefully!) that if they spend a little time each day it will pay off in the long run.

And I won't have to take that dreaded walk around the room each day to verify that each student has done exactly what they did yesterday!